Members' Directory
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Phone :
+90 530 083 3022
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Address :
Nauryzbay Batyr Str.31, 94, 050000 Almaty / Kazakhstan
Main fields of interest :
- Seeds, genetics
- Plant physiology
- Agronomy
Professional experience : I worked in Kazakh as well as international agricultural companies in Kazakhstan. I actively participated in the market development of improved seeds of the field crops like oilseed rape, sunflower, corn, and others as well as innovative agricultural practices in Kazakhstan.
Education : * 2018-current: PhD student in Business Administration, ISTANBUL Sabahattin ZAIM UNIVERSITY, Turkey
* 2004-2006: MSc in Agribusiness, UNIVERSITY OF HOHENHEIM, Stuttgart, Germany,
* 2000-2004: Diploma in Agricultural Economics and –Management, TARAZ STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED M.KH. DULATI, Taraz, Kazakhstan
Selected publications : * Çetin, M., Samenova, G., Türkkan, F., & Karataş, C. (2021). The Role of Daily Affect in Leader-Member Exchange: A Multilevel Investigation in Public Health Administration. Organizacija, 54(2), 112-130.