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Who We Are

Global Council for Innovation in Rapeseed and Canola, GCIRC, "Building a world community for innovation on rapeseed/canola", is an international association of people interested in technical advance made in the production and processing of rapeseed/canola.

Learn more about the organization of the GCIRC, its aims and why become a member.

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Our Collaborative Space

Connect with GCIRC members on specific issues.

To participate to a specific workgroup or committee, please contact the WG moderator or


Our Newsletter

Mailing List Subscription

The executive board of the GCIRC, jointly with the GCIRC committees’ chairs, decided to publish a regular newsletter to share information about rapeseed/canola crops and research in the world.

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Lastest News

16th International Rapeseed Congress/IRC 2023, Sydney, Australia

Proceedings are available.

Best wishes

Dear GCIRC Members,

Latest Events

10-11 September, 2024, Dresden, Germany: 19th Meeting of the IOBC-WPRS WG “Integrated Control in Oilseed Crops (ICOC)”

& Clubroot Workshop 12 September, 2024